10 Content Marketing Tips for Dentists

Regular visits to dental practices are a certainty in the dental sector. But how can dentists entice customers to use their dental practice over others? In a world where online presence reigns supreme, it's imperative to distinguish your dental business apart from your competitors. An aesthetically pleasing website and a...

The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for Hotels

With so much competition online, it can be tough to stand out in the hotel market. However, local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can help you get more guests through the door and REDUCE the number of bookings through sites like Booking.com that charge high commission fees. In this guide, we'll...

‘Google My Business’ to Become ‘Google Business Profile’

Google has announced that they are renaming ‘Google My Business' to ‘Google Business Profile'. The move is designed to completely reshape local SEO by extracting business profile management away from a single application and implementing it directly into Google Search and Google Maps. This isn't the first time Google has...

SEMRush: Keywords by Intent Guide

SEMrush has launched a new feature that allows you to view the intent of keywords quickly and easily.If you are an avid user of SEMRush like we are here at Fly High Media, you might have noticed this new feature while conducting keyword research titled ‘Keywords by Intent’.This is a...

How to Craft the Perfect Blog Post

Every blog post is an opportunity to get your business in front of potential clients and customers.You want your articles to be engaging enough that readers will enjoy the content, but not so long that they lose interest halfway through. To help you craft the perfect article, we put together...