Paid Search (PPC) Agency Liverpool


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is one of the quickest methods to boost website traffic and enhance conversions. With PPC, you only incur charges when someone clicks on your ad, guaranteeing that those directed to your site through a paid search campaign are genuinely interested in your business.

Our team of PPC specialists excels in crafting precisely targeted, impactful, and scalable ads to secure a top-ranking position on search engines. We carefully monitor the ads, making necessary adjustments to enhance performance and maximise your Return on Investment (ROI).


PPC has an average 200% return on investment (ROI)


33% of people click on a paid search ad as it directly answers their query

Source: Lunio


65% of clicks made by users who intend to purchase go to paid ads


72% of companies haven’t looked at their ad campaigns in over a month

Source: WebFX

Importance of Pay-Per-Click advertising​

PPC stands out as a remarkably efficient advertising approach, standing alongside SEO as a pivotal component in a successful digital marketing strategy. In contrast to conventional advertising, paid search provides exceptional trackability, allowing real-time performance measurement.

Achieving profitability in these campaigns revolves around implementing minor adjustments, comprehending the data, and amplifying successful ads. This precision is our forte!

Traffic is increased to your website

You only pay when the ad is clicked

Measure and track ad performance

In control of your budget

Generate a higher ROI

What our clients say

Fly High Media has been working for us for over a year, providing SEO and PPC services. We have been delighted with the service provided. Our sales revenue has consistently risen over the last year. They are thoroughly professional, understand the digital marketing space and are always available for help and advice. I have no hesitation in recommending them.”

Adam Crawford
Operations Manager, Access Skills

Our campaigns


Keyword and Market Research

Upon gaining a comprehensive understanding of your product or service, we embark on market and keyword research. This involves scrutinising the phrases targeted by your competitors, analysing your website and ongoing campaigns, and delving into a multitude of keywords and phrases.


Campaign Build and Creation of Ad Groups

A common error among PPC beginners is the setup of a single ad. Once we’ve established a comprehensive budget, we select multiple keywords and categorise them into campaigns. Further division into ad groups enables careful monitoring of individual group success, allowing us to concentrate on ads that yield profitable results.

Write Ad Copy


Compelling ad copy is pivotal for a prosperous PPC campaign, as it persuades individuals to click on your ad. Crafting exceptional ad copy involves a blend of creativity and science. The content must not only sell effectively but also remain pertinent to the target keywords and adhere to the stringent guidelines of the ad platform.

Ads Go Live


At this point, all elements are ready for the ads to launch. We determine the campaign’s maximum daily budget and configure the settings. Employing an optimised campaign structure ensures clarity in interpreting the data and attaining the highest quality score possible.

Optimise & Monitor


PPC stands out as one of the most quantifiable advertising platforms. With the ads now active, the true effort begins. We harness data-driven insights, such as CTR (click-through rate) and impression share, to refine each ad. This involves reallocating funds to profitable ads while eliminating those that prove ineffective. This ongoing process, known as optimisation, ensures a gradual improvement in your ROI (return on investment) over time.

PPC success stories

56.55% Increase In Transactions
Google Ads
Online Footwear Retailer
Read Case Study
X22 Average ROAS
Google Ads
Online Pharmacy
Read Case Study
91.74% Increase In ROAS
Google Ads
Online Tool and Lighting Shop
Read Case Study

Our process



Each project commences with a discovery phase. We delve into understanding your products or services and gain insights into your customer profile. Subsequently, we conduct an audit of any existing ad campaigns to identify strengths and pinpoint areas for enhancement.



Now that we are well-informed, we can initiate the strategy-building process. Collaborating with you, we will define and align key performance indicators (KPIs) with your overarching marketing objectives and craft a comprehensive plan outlining the steps to attain these goals.



Ultimately, we execute a carefully crafted strategy. In PPC ad campaigns, this phase is equally crucial to the planning process. Our approach is methodical in optimising your campaigns, employing a structured process. Additionally, we provide regular reports, ensuring transparency and allowing you to witness the results we are delivering.

Our services

Google Ads

Google stands as the world’s most widely used search engine. If your business isn’t advertising on this platform, it’s essential to question why. Our team consistently remains abreast of Google Ads’ evolving landscape, ensuring we craft the most impactful campaigns for your business.

Why Use Google Ads?

Google Shopping

Google Shopping proves to be a superb platform for tangible products. If you own an e-commerce website, your products can secure a prominent position on Google’s first page with images, details, and pricing. This comprehensive display ensures that potential customers possess all the necessary information to make informed purchasing decisions.

Why Make The Most of Google Shopping?

Microsoft Ads

While some may perceive Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) as an afterthought, we hold a different perspective. With lower competition for keywords and frequently lower cost-per-clicks, combined with a detailed and user-friendly ad platform, Microsoft Ads should not be underestimated. While Google Ads maintains its prominence, exploring other platforms, including Bing search, can yield valuable opportunities and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Why Also Consider Bing Ads?

Yahoo Ads

Yahoo Ads may not match the effectiveness of Google Ads, yet they offer a more budget-friendly alternative. With lower search volumes resulting in decreased keyword competition, the cost-per-click is notably economical. While relying solely on Yahoo Ads may not be advised, incorporating them into a comprehensive PPC strategy can prove beneficial.

Why Use Yahoo Ads In A Wider Strategy?


Remarketing focuses on transforming casual browsers into customers, targeting individuals who have visited your website but didn’t make a purchase. Utilising AdRoll, we re-engage these interested customers, strategically bringing them back to enhance your bottom line.

Why Use Remarketing?

Paid Social Ads

Harness the potency of paid social ads to swiftly connect with a new audience. Our expertise lies in creating social ads that precisely target your desired customers. However, beyond immediate financial gains, social ads also serve as a valuable tool to enhance social engagement and foster brand awareness.

Why Use Remarketing?

Our latest PPC insights

Matt writing on whiteboard

Why choose Fly High Media?

We are a friendly, ROI focussed agency and we put our business values at the centre of everything we do. We carefully craft a measurable strategy that is designed to make you more money and build your online business. Our decisions are data-driven and made on the basis of long term profitability, scalability and sustainability.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is an online marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks their ad. It works by bidding on keywords relevant to their business; the ad is displayed when a user searches for those keywords. The advertiser only pays when the ad is clicked, driving traffic to their website.

Consider PPC advertising for your business because it offers quick and measurable results, allows precise targeting of your audience, and provides control over your budget. It can boost website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions, making it a cost-effective way to reach potential customers.

PPC advertising can be suitable for many types of businesses, but its effectiveness may vary depending on factors like budget, industry, and target audience. It works well for businesses in competitive markets, ecommerce, lead generation, and local services. However, it may not be the best choice for every business, and a comprehensive digital marketing strategy should consider the specific goals and circumstances of the company.

Fly High Media’s PPC management service brings expertise and a tailored approach to maximise your ROI, while DIY PPC campaigns require you to invest your own time and resources in learning and managing PPC without specialised knowledge.

We determine the right PPC strategy for your business by thoroughly analysing your goals, target audience, industry, and competition. This research helps us identify the most effective keywords, ad types, budget allocation, and campaign structure to create a tailored strategy that maximises your ROI and achieves your objectives.

To create and launch a PPC campaign, define your goals and conduct keyword research. Craft compelling ad copy, set bids, and optimise landing pages. Finally, activate the campaign, monitor performance, and make ongoing adjustments for the best results.

A typical PPC budget varies widely depending on factors like industry, competition, and goals. Generally, small businesses may start with budgets of £1,000 to £5,000 per month, while larger enterprises can invest significantly more.

To optimise PPC campaigns for improved performance and ROI, focus on refining keywords, testing ad copy and landing pages, and adjusting bids based on performance data. 

Regularly monitor and adjust campaigns, add negative keywords, and enhance ad extensions to maximise results. Keep a close eye on Quality Scores, allocate budget wisely, and conduct A/B testing for continuous improvement.

You will have control and input into your PPC campaign, but we can manage everything based on your preferences. We can work collaboratively, with you providing direction and feedback, or you can entrust us with full campaign management. We aim to align with your needs and goals for the PPC campaign.

Yes, absolutely. In almost every case, we are added to clients’ existing accounts at the required access level by the client. Sometimes, we may assist in setting up a new ad account, but clients always have full control and access.

We use industry-standard tools like Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Advertising to measure PPC campaign success by tracking KPIs such as clicks, conversions, CTR, and CPC.

We conduct keyword research by identifying relevant keywords related to your business, industry, and goals. We consider factors like search volume, competition, and user intent to select the most effective keywords for your PPC campaign. We aim to ensure your ads reach the right audience and drive valuable traffic to your website.

Landing pages are vital in PPC advertising, impacting user experience and conversions. We offer assistance in optimising landing pages by enhancing design, content, and overall user experience to boost campaign performance.

Remarketing in PPC retargets users who previously visited your website but didn’t convert. It benefits campaigns by boosting brand awareness, re-engaging potential customers, and increasing conversion rates.

We handle ad copywriting by creating compelling and relevant ad copy tailored to your target audience and campaign objectives. To optimise performance, we conduct A/B testing, running variations of ads to identify which ones perform best. This iterative process helps refine ad copy, call-to-actions, and design elements for improved click-through rates and conversions.

We offer local PPC advertising services for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. Our services include location targeting, local keyword selection, and ad campaigns tailored to reach your local audience effectively. Depending on your business goals, we can help you maximise your online presence and drive traffic to your physical location or website.

We work on a flat retainer basis, meaning you do not pay any additional fees based upon increased advertising spend.

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Cheshire (Head Office)


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