How to Write Killer Call-to-Action Buttons

How to Write Killer Call to Action Buttons

You may have the most amazing, beautifully designed website in the world, and you may be offering the greatest product that ever existed, but if you don’t know how to write an effective call to action, it could all be for nothing.

At Fly High Media we regularly have to come up with hard and soft “Call To Actions” (CTAs) for product ads and website content pieces.

Here are some tips for writing a CTA, you might find useful.

Make Your CTA Simple and Clear

A call to action should be succinct and to the point.  Put your CTA on a clickable button, which means you have no option but to keep it short.  Start your CTA with the verb, as in “Sign Up For Our Newsletter” or “Discover How We Can Help”.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Make sure your CTA conveys the sense that the customer needs to click that button immediately.  You can create this urgency by using phrases like “Buy It Now” or by providing a limited-time offer (“Get it free if you order by Thursday!”) that gives the person a compelling reason to make a decision right away.

Always Keep Your Customers In Mind

Know who your ideal customers are, and remember to talk directly to them when you write your CTA.  What information do they need?  What are their challenges?  And where will they go to find it?

Establish a Relationship

When writing your call to action, make the reader feel like you are already their partner.  CTAs such as “Join Us!” or “Let’s Get Started!” suggest you already have a bond with them.

Take a Unique Approach

You should identify what is special about your product or service and communicate it to your potential customers.  Avoid using the more standard “Sign Up Today” type CTAs, instead incorporate details or language that is specific to your offering.  For example, if you want people to sign up for a free trial with your car chauffeur service, a unique CTA might be something like “Catch a Ride With Us!”

Explain How the Offer Helps Them

Point out some of the major benefits of your business to convince the prospective customer that they need your product or service.  Try to get the prospective customer to imagine a situation or problem and then present your offer as the solution. For example: “Tired of being single? Get a date tonight.”

Let Them Know It’s Risk-Free

Part of your content marketing strategy should be to provide an initial offer that your potential customer can take advantage of, for example signing up for a newsletter or downloading something interesting.  In your, CTA emphasizes the fact that this offer costs them nothing and that it will only take seconds to sign up.  Nearly everyone likes things that are free and easy!

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