Welcome Jonathon Roberts, Our New Senior SEO Executive!


What does your role consist of?

My role as Senior SEO Executive consists of helping our clients to widen their reach online, increasing their visibility within search results using search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques.

What are you most looking forward to in this role?

I’m looking forward to working with our wide range of clients here at Fly High Media and adding value to them through my experience.

What made you go into SEO?

I got into general digital marketing during the first year of my university degree; I changed my course to include marketing management since I wanted to focus more on this area.

Once I started a module on digital marketing, I became hooked, learning everything I could about digital marketing. I was able to go onto a training course about SEO and really enjoyed it, so I decided this was the path I wanted to take.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my own time, I have a large crystals and minerals collection at home, so I like going out and finding new crystals to add to my collection. I’m currently doing a crystal healing course, and I recently finished a sound healing course with my Mum, as we do regular sound baths in Eastham.

What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement was possibly when I got the opportunity to be part of a large project to help rebrand a business. This involved helping with the site’s SEO and all the migration between the old and new site.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

Probably America. I’ve never been, but I would definitely like to go someday. However, I’ve been to Canada twice as that’s where my aunty lives. New York would possibly be the first place I’d go if I got the chance. I’d also like to go to Tibet at some point to learn more about the history and culture.

If you need help with your digital marketing, get in touch!

The success of Fly High Media is built on helping clients grow their sales. If you need to drive more organic traffic to your website, or you just want some help with social media marketing then get in touch with us. You can either email us at hello@flyhighmedia.co.uk, phone on 0151 528 9502 or 0161 818 4645 or use our contact form.

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