How to Measure the Success of a Brand Awareness Campaign

Three workers are building their brand awareness literally by placing large letters B,R,A,N,D using a crane

Brand awareness is defined as how familiar people are with your brand and the products or services you offer. Brand awareness can be divided into three layers:

1. Awareness of your brand name and identity
2. Awareness of your product/service offerings
3. Awareness of your brand attributes (i.e. what sets you apart from competitors)

Brand awareness is most valuable when all these points are achieved and work together in tandem: You want customers to know why they would want to purchase from you, not just what.

Featured below are some of the best ways you can measure and assess your brand awareness to aid in the growth of your business.

1. Keep track of your social media followers

Some might consider this a vanity metric, but at a surface level, your social media following gives you a sense of how broad your reach is and how many people are familiar with your brand.

Developing a strong following and community on social media shows that people are interested in your business and like what you and your brand have to offer. Furthermore, it means these people are more likely to see your content more frequently, and will be less likely to forget who you are or what you deliver. Staying front-of-mind in a market full of established and emerging brands is key to maintaining familiarity. Social media is a key trust signal and brand touch point.

2. Analyse how well your content is performing

Analysing your brand awareness campaigns is not just about counting the people that know your brand, it’s also about knowing which blog posts, videos, and social media content have been working and in what way it contributed to the rise in brand awareness.

It is easy to keep track of how well your content is performing as all of the most popular social media or video platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube offer their own variety of analytical tools.

You can gain very detailed reports and insights using the in-built analytical tools of social media platforms, and can accurately assess which pieces of content did well. When using these tools, it is important to note the level of engagement each piece of content achieved, as the more people are engaging with your posts, the more likely they will be to remember you and your business.

3. Use Google Search Console to find Brand Searches

Tracking your search data using Google Search Console is very important when it comes to brand awareness and even market share. The trick is not only to look at the amount of traffic driving into your website, but also what keywords it’s riding on.

The more people who directly type in your brand’s name, means that they remember you and see you as a strong and interesting option for whatever they’re looking for. They’re not just looking for ”the best vegan pizza in Chester”, they’re specifically looking for yours.

4. Look into your brand name mentions

One of the best ways to know if people are aware of your brand, is to know if they’re tweeting, blogging or commenting about you. To do this, you can use tools such as Brand24. They allow you to keep tabs on all social media platforms, blogs, websites, and publishers to see who’s talking about you. In addition to this, using this you will also be able to engage with those mentions to develop your brand awareness even further.

Furthermore, you can look beyond your own social media and website statistics to get an even greater picture on your brand awareness. If you’re being mentioned on third-party websites, you’ll be generating extra publicity and therefore awareness. While it does not directly measure brand awareness, combining this tactic with one of the ones mentioned above will show you how third-party publicity contributes to your brand awareness over time. This will help you make sense of the effectiveness of your campaigns.

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