Google Core Algorithm Updates – March 2023

Google Core Algorithm Update March 2023

Google has confirmed that the March 2023 core algorithm update is rolling out. The Google update aims to deliver increasingly relevant, high-quality search results.

The key things to note are:

  • The Core algorithm updates can impact search rankings. Therefore, website owners need to stay informed and adapt their strategies.
  • Carefully monitor key website metrics, e.g. organic search traffic and keyword rankings.
  • Stay focused on providing quality content tailored to your target audience’s needs.
  • Optimise the technical aspects to maintain a strong presence in search results.
  • Prioritise the user experience, e.g. site speed, mobile friendliness etc.
  • Provide valuable content, so your website is prepared for future algorithm updates.

It’s important to remember that the effects of core algorithm updates aren’t immediately apparent. It can take days or weeks for Google’s crawlers to index and reassess your website.

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